View a specific document

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To view a specific document, or download/save/print it, right-click on any document row in the list of documents and select "View NPA", "View CRD" or "View final publication(s)", depending on the document status. In the case of the NPA or CRD, a new browser window will open with the document in the Acrobat PDF format. You need to have the free Adobe Reader to view it. You can then use all the tools in the Reader interface to save a local copy, print the document, etc.


In the case of final publications, one NPA can be associated with multiple publications. In this case links are provided to these publications as in this example:



Different icons are used depending on the type of the link.



Hint: It is suggested that you save the PDF version locally for later printing and/or reading it at your leisure using the advanced functionality provided by the Adobe Reader. The FlashPaper version is only meant to be used for adding your comments, and depending on your screen resolution, it may not provide for comfortable reading.


Hint: If you are using Internet Explorer, the document may open in a window which is not resizable and therefore inconvenient to read. In this case, you can specify that Adobe Reader should open PDF links directly, instead of in a browser window, by going (in Adobe Reader) to Edit->Preferences and unchecking the "Display PDF in browser" option from the "Internet" category.

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