View the list of documents

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To view the current list of documents, you must click on the "View documents" link on the top of the page.





From left to right, the columns displayed show the document status, the task numbers associated with that document, the title, the NPA number given by EASA, the affected rules and codes, and the begin and end dates of the Commenting Period or the Reaction Period, depending on the document status. Clicking on the question mark next to the Status column header will bring up a popup window with an explanation of all the document status icons displayed below.


You can sort the list based on document status, document number, Commenting Period or Reaction Period begin and end dates by clicking on the corresponding highlighted column headers. Clicking twice on the same header will switch from ascending to descending order and vice versa, as indicated by the small arrow next to the sorted column.


You can select the number of documents to see per page from the drop-down list on the top. Your setting will be remembered next time you login to the same computer.


You can also filter the list based on document status by making the appropriate selection from the drop-down list on the top-right corner.


If the end date of the Commenting Period appears in bright blue color, this means that it has been extended. Click on the icon next to the date to read the reason for the extension.


Right-clicking on any document row, will bring up a popup menu with different actions. Click on any menu item below to get more information about that specific action.

(Note that some of these actions may not be available, depending on the document status)




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