Add a reaction

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To add a reaction to a CRD, you need to be in the reactions view.


From within the FlashPaper interface on the left, hover your mouse over the entity you want to react to (it will be highlighted), right-click and select "Add reaction".

You can add reactions to segments, comments, responses and the resulting text.


You will then be presented with the following view:



On the FlashPaper interface, the entity you selected to react to will be surrounded by an orange-yellow line and on the right side of the screen you will get an editor which will allow you to enter your reaction using a familiar interface, similar to a word processor application.


You can add attachments to your reaction by clicking the "Add file" button. Click on the "Browse..." button next to the text box to select a file in your computer to attach to your reaction. If you need to attach more than one file, click on the "Add file" button again and select another file. The allowed attachment formats are BMP, PNG, JP(E)G, GIF, TIF(F) and PDF.


When you are done with your reaction, you have to click on the "Save" icon (little blue disk) to save your reaction along with your attachments.


Upon saving your reaction you will return to the reactions view, and you will see your new reaction in the list on the right.


You cannot add more than one reaction on a particular entity.


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