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To add a new comment on an NPA, you need to be in the comments view.


You can place a comment on a part of the document (referred to as ‘segment’) by right clicking on the respective segment title (under ’Description’) and then choose the ’Add comment’ or by clicking on the add comment button on the right side of the segment. Please note that you place a comment on a segment and not on a page. The page number(s) on the left side of the segment indicate(s) the page number(s) the segment covers.



The segment description showing on the top of the right side will also appear on the final CRD, therefore you should not repeat this in your comment.


You can add attachments to your comment by clicking the "Add file" button. Click on the "Browse..." button next to the text box to select a file in your computer to attach to your comment. If you need to attach more than one file, click on the "Add file" button again and select another file. The allowed attachment formats are BMP, PNG, JP(E)G, GIF, TIF(F) and PDF.


When you are done with your comment, you have to click on the "Save" icon (little blue disk) to save your comment along with your attachments.


Upon saving your comment you will return to the comments view, and your new comment will have been assigned a unique comment number.


You can add more than one comment on a specific segment. Your comment numbers will appear next to each other in the "Comment #" column.


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